I have changed my name from Eric Schlachter to Eric Goldman.
This note describes why.
On November 9, 1997, I married Lisa Sanger. In connection with
the wedding, we were faced with 4 naming options:
· Lisa could take my
last name;
· We could do
nothing (i.e., each retain our existing names);
· I could take
Lisa’s last name; or
· We could establish
a new common name.
Notwithstanding “tradition,” I did not ask Lisa to take my
last name. First, the name “Schlachter” is difficult to spell and pronounce.
Second, I did not think it was fair to ask Lisa to do something (i.e., change
her name) that I would not do for her.
Keeping our separate names would have created endless
confusion, both immediately and when we have children. Second, and more
importantly, it would imply a separation between Lisa and me that is
inconsistent with our commitment to each other.
If I were willing to change my last name, as between taking “Sanger”
or a new name, Lisa and I decided it was preferable to choose a new name. This
way, we are able to establish a new common identity which is uniquely “ours” as
a couple. Indeed, we chose “Goldman” because it is a hybrid of our mothers’
maiden names, which represents the joining of our families.
This document last modified December 24, 1997